I can't believe all that has gone on JUST THIS YEAR!!! So here is an update:
On February 3rd, Jason, my Mom, sister and I headed to Winnie Palmer Hospital to find out if "Baby Stelly" was really a "he" or "she"... First of all, most amazing ultrasound ever. To be able to see all parts of my baby and see the heart, brain, liver, kidney, stomach, lungs, etc... Its so amazing how God creates life! So... to the fine part... We discover its a BOY!! YAY! Excitement just flooded me with FINALLY knowing what was growing inside me. We could wait to start calling friends and family to let them know the news! ITS A BOY ITS A BOY!!!
My best friend of 10 years, Lis, had her baby shower in February... it was SUCH a fun time of celebration and to prepare Lis with the "things" she needed for little Gracie! My SISTER also found out in February that her and Marcio are PREGNANT!! WHAT? 2 babies in one year for the Watson, Stelly, Pacheco's... CRAZINESS! We are all so blessed and cant wait to celebrate the holiday's this year with 2 little ones. Steph and Marcio are about 7 weeks along and their due date is October 25th (their 2 year wedding anniversary). SO EXCITED for my sis and that our children will be able to grow up together!
SOOO... Onto March... I was awaken by a text last night from my friend Lis's sister, Sarah. Lis was at the hospital and was having an emergency c-section, while I know that was not was Lis wanted, whatever it takes to keep both Mom and baby safe. So Grace Lee Graeser was born at 12:33am and weighed 7lbs 14oz! I CAN NOT wait to go and meet her today. Lis, I love you and I'm so proud of you!!!
So much has gone on and much more to come with wedding showers (Nicole!!) and more baby showers! (Sahily, Deborah, MINE :)).
I am 23 weeks pregnant now, more than half way there! Feeling great! We picked the name for our little man, Aiden Christopher! Aiden means "Little fire" and Christopher means "bearing Christ within"... I LOVE the meanings!!! We have started the nursery and Daddy is doing an amazing job! I love feeling Aiden move inside me, its the most amazing thing ever!
So bottom line... God is GOOD and we are blessed beyond measure! More to come........