This is titled "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy..." for three reasons.
1) 3 months have already passed by since my last blog and of course LOTS of things have gone on since then... We were busy with LOTS OF SHOWERS! Wedding showers for my BF Nicole, a couple baby showers for two other friends and then my first baby shower at my Mom's house. Mom did SUCH a beautiful job with the help of my BF Lis, my sister and sister in law Alison. Everything of course was "beach themed" and I was just so overwhelmed and blessed by the generosity of all my friends and family... When I got home with all the things we got, Jason put together all the big items and now claims he is "Graco Certified" :) Below are some pics from the shower:

Cupcakes made by Cathi McClure... AMAZING :) 

Next on the list was Nicole & Andrew's WEDDING!!! :) What a special day... I am so happy for Nicole and Andrew and was blessed to be a part of their wedding day! Nicole of course was KNOCK OUT GORGEOUS and Andrew didn't look too bad himself!

We also went to a place called Prenatal Impressions to get a 3D/4D ultrasound done of Aiden... It was SO amazing to see his adorable little face...We hadn't seen him since I was 18 weeks... We did this when I was just about 33 weeks... Can not wait to hold my little guy!

So yes.... This is the first "Oh Boy!" :)
2) Ok, so you know from the last blog that Stephanie and Marcio are pregnant... Well they decided they were going to see a mid-wife during her pregnancy and do a home birth. Well, the mid-wife will not do an ultrasound until 20 weeks... Us impatient former Watson girls don't like to wait, so Steph scheduled an appt. at Prenatal Impressions to find out the sex of the baby... Well to our surprise, its TWINS!!! Twin BOYS at that... What a shock, it took awhile for it to soak in, actually I think its still soaking in... I still can't believe it!!

So that was a BIG "Oh Boy! Oh Boy!"
3) Jason and I are in the home stretch before Aiden gets here... We had two more baby showers, one thrown by a sweet friend at church, Kari and the other thrown by my boss, Terri :) Again, we were overwhelmed with everyone's generosity... we have been so blessed and I can now say we have EVERYTHING possibly needed for our little man.
His room is complete, his bathroom is complete, I have washed all his clothes, blankets, towels, etc... I have his "station" set up downstairs (so I won't be going up and down all day long) and his bags are packed. All that's left is to get that car seat in the car, pack me and Jason's bag and then we are ALL set! I will be entering my 9th month on Monday and have a doctor appointment on the 9th to check to see if there is any progression, if he his head is down, etc... CAN'T WAIT! I can't believe this pregnancy is almost over... time has FLOWN by and as one friend said... "All you need now is your little surfer dude!" :)

Jeannie Albers did an AMAZING job on the mural... We are SO loving it!
Just another view... we have actually done more to the room, but these are the only pics I have at the moment.
So to wrap it all up... A LOT has gone on, we are near the end (36 weeks on Monday) and Mom & Dad went from ZERO grandchildren to THREE grandchildren (3 BOYS!) in a matter of seconds... So can you say "Oh BOY, oh BOY, oh BOY!!!"