Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fathers Day.

Sunday was Jason's first Father's Day.  Not sure if he had more fun, or if I did :)  We had a quiet morning making breakfast and opening presents.  I had painted Aiden's hands to make prints on a canvas for Jason and then loaded him up with some framed photos to take to work... ya know, so he can show off his family and adorable son!!!

We then headed to The Crossings to be there as my nephews were dedicated... Those two were hammin' it up on that stage!  Isaiah was putting his hands in the air so we knew that he was "So big" and Gabriel was smiling, talking and pulling the pigtails of the little girl that was being held by her Daddy next to him... oh those two!   So excited to watch them grown and be a part of their lives!  Afterwards it was off to Mom & Dad's to hang by the pool.  We ended the day at my in-laws for dinner and to see Jason's aunt, uncle and cousin who drove down from Louisiana.  Great day!! 

I hope my husband knows how much I love him and how much his son loves him.  We couldn't imagine our lives without him!!!  I love watching him be a Daddy to Aiden.  So fun! 

And to my Dad on Father's Day...  he is the BEST there is.  Hands down.  I love him and I love the relationship he has with my husband and my son.  Its so awesome to watch.

I'm a blessed girl.  I am.

Coffee Love.  

Well not necessarily sure its the actual coffee, but the Coffee Mug (preferably the white Starbucks mug), our son is OBSESSED with it!  He spots Jason from miles away with that mug and he wants it bad.  Not sure whats so special about it, but its his favorite thing to pine for.  So when Jason finishes it up... sometimes he lets him play with it...  

This is nice advertising for Starbucks...  :)


Just a couple I took last night during bath and getting ready for bed...  Can't believe he will be ONE on Sunday!  Last year I was getting ready for HIM... and now I get to be with him.  

LOVE LOVE LOVE this one :)

Love his reflection...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This time a year ago.

As we are drawing closer and closer to the FIRST birthday of my sweet boy, I am remember how I felt this time last year...  HUGE AND HOT!!!  haha... Oh we were ready for him to come.  The room was ready, bags were packed... We just needed him.  I knew my life was going to change, but had no idea HOW it was actually going to be and feel.  I can't even remember my life prior to Aiden.  Just like I can't imagine what my life was like before Jason. 

Lets see... I was waddling up to work... being asked a hundred times "You still haven't had that baby yet?!" (Um, hello, can you see how big I am?  No, I still haven't had this baby.) 

So, I'm enjoying thinking back to this time a year ago and can't wait to celebrate BIG next weekend! 

Me, Steph and Dad on Father's Day

I looked like a whale... The ONLY way to cool down!

One of the last belly pics before Aiden arrived...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sweet Summertime.

My boy, he loves the water.  Anything to do with it makes him happy and I like to see him happy.  And I love to see him and his Daddy when they are together. 

I love letting Aiden do things that boys love!  Be outside, get dirty, play with the hose, sit in the sink to play with the water... I'm definitely some one who likes things just so and sticks to a routine, but I want to be a Mom that is more laid back on certain things, is spontaneous at times and lets my kids be kids.  I want to create memories that THEY will remember...and its the little things that are special.

I was cleaning up dinner and Jason took Aiden outside.  I came out and this is what they were doing...

"Mom, now THIS is awesome!"

Love this face!

The "I don't want to crawl on my knees" crawl :)