Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This time a year ago.

As we are drawing closer and closer to the FIRST birthday of my sweet boy, I am remember how I felt this time last year...  HUGE AND HOT!!!  haha... Oh we were ready for him to come.  The room was ready, bags were packed... We just needed him.  I knew my life was going to change, but had no idea HOW it was actually going to be and feel.  I can't even remember my life prior to Aiden.  Just like I can't imagine what my life was like before Jason. 

Lets see... I was waddling up to work... being asked a hundred times "You still haven't had that baby yet?!" (Um, hello, can you see how big I am?  No, I still haven't had this baby.) 

So, I'm enjoying thinking back to this time a year ago and can't wait to celebrate BIG next weekend! 

Me, Steph and Dad on Father's Day

I looked like a whale... The ONLY way to cool down!

One of the last belly pics before Aiden arrived...


Eliza S-G said...

Such a sweet post! It's hard to believe that it's almost been a whole year since we got a text from your Mom saying that he was here!! Love you <3

The Stelly's said...

I know Eliza, can you believe it?! Time flies so quickly! We have to treasure each day! Love you too!